WARNING eCom Brands: Bringing in at least >500 orders p month? If so, read on...
>> Yep. Turns out getting people's emails and selling still works TOO well!
>> You won't need to login to Klaviyo, Mailchimp, or whatever tool for email every again
>> Worst Case Scenario? You get to keep 2 metric tons of my market research for free.
Now: Interviewed by the respected Copywriting.org...
Conversions from email are no longer "easy" and definitely not something you can just "figure out in-house."
Yet if you do it right... it is the single most powerful and immediate lever you can pull to feed your business.
Unfortunately most eCom brands and coaches leave up to 40%+ addl. revenue on the table by not dialing in email + SMS to subscribers and customers.
Why? It's usually one of these reasons...
1. You're simply not sending regular emails outside of SKU updates or seasonal sales. (you know if this is you)
2. You ARE sending emails, but not nearly enough. Afraid your subscribers will get annoyed? (they won't)
3. Your emails fail to build a buying relationship. (you are likely educating, entertaining OR selling. But your brand needs all 3)
4. Your emails are well-written but not well-researched, so you don't push your subscribers' covert "hot buttons" that make them SMASH the checkout button.
5. Your emails aren't getting delivered to primary inbox. Whoops!
Juan Andres Medina
Shows stores and coaches how to raise their MRR using email + SMS--totally hands off.
If any of these sound like you, here's what you can expect to learn from poking around here:
Want All These Power Ups for Your Order Conversion? There's Only Two Ways...
You can either:
1) Hire me to write your emails + text and manage your list. With a FULL PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE if you don't hit our agreed-on revenue goals, to eliminate your risk. Note that this includes addl. work I need to do to succeed like researching your target market like a private detective (or spiritual medium of email) and potentially cleaning/activating/de-spamming your list for deliverability. You keep that no matter what.
2) Join my email list where I'll drip feed order conversion secrets (as well as my regular learnings from writing sales emails, heart-stopping copy breakdowns of real email campaigns in your niche, and stories from the world at large that will improve your conversions numbers on the spot), and you can get all the email copywriting proof you'd care to read (and oftentimes read without even noticing you are).
Even better, you don't have to choose.
I've packaged both options under this handy REQUEST SAMPLE EMAILS FOR YOUR BRAND button, where, if you submit your info, I will literally write sample emails I might send to your brand and share them with you as a gift (or a bribe, more like). This gift represents a value of anywhere from $500-$2400, depending on what I write for you.
From there, you will be added to my Order Conversion Secrets list, and you'll have the option of booking a call right after.
And if you DO book a call, I will send you addl. sample emails as an extra bonus, so you can really gauge how I might align with your audience.
Just know--I will only send the sample emails if I sincerely believe you have the sort of brand I can get the results I'm guaranteeing above, AND if I sincerely believe I'm a good fit for your audience. If I don't, I'll let you know ahead of time and keep you on my list if you'd like.
You also have the option of just subscribing, or booking, if you don't think you're a good fit yourself. No pressure.
Here is that button to get your Sample Conversion Emails For Your Brand...